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therapeutic conversations with queer youth: Transcending homonormativity & constructing preferred identities


Cover art by Ruben Llanillos

This is the first therapy book that focuses on clinical work with youth who construct queer identities (as differentiated from essentialized gay or lesbian identities). It’s also the first practice-based book that draws on queer theory, constructionist philosophy, and cultural studies to inform and guide therapeutic work with queer youth. As such, it offers fresh, critical, and hopeful resources for therapists committed to culturally responsive work with youth. It also helps to make ideas from queer theory and cultural studies accessible to clinicians and widely applicable in therapeutic practice.
The reader is met throughout their reading with the perspicacious and provocative comments of the Q-Squad, five queer youth who served as cultural consultants to the research and writing of this book. By bridging the gaps that exist between social science scholarship and therapeutic practice, and queer theory and the lived experiences of queer youth, Therapeutic Conversations with Queer Youth breaks new ground in the conceptualization and practice of therapy with queer youth.

Click here to a receive discount when ordering THERAPEUTIC CONVERSATIONS WITH QUEER YOUTH directly from the publisher!


Now available through the International Center for Clinical Excellence–Feedback Informed Treatment Manuals click here

These extremely readable and highly practical manuals–which Julie co-authored with a team of amazing clinicians–are the perfect resource for helpers endeavoring to incorporate client feedback into their practice

Now available from MicroTraining/ Alexander Street Press—professional training DVDs for therapists featuring julie’s work!!

1. Queer Theory In Action: Theoretical Resources for Therapeutic Conversations
Part 1

Part 2

Julie & Dave Nylund discuss queer theory as a cutting-edge theoretical resource for clinical practice. Julie meets with a trans-identified youth and Dave has a session with a transgender woman.  Following each session, there is a rich reflection that includes Julie, Dave and the client.

2. Feedback Informed Treatment
Part 1

Part 2
Part 3

Julie & Scott Miller discuss and demonstrate the use of the Outcome Rating Scale and the Session Rating Scale–the only consumer-driven outcome management system in the world. Julie meets with a mom & her teen daughter and Scott works with a mandated client and also with client who has struggled with persistent mental health concerns.

3. Therapy as Social Construction:Introduction, Clinical Consultation & Reflection Team

Julie is honored to interview Sheila McNamee about her influential & pioneering work articulating therapy as a productive process of social construction. Following this illuminating discussion, Sheila conducts a live consultation with a therapist working with a young person and her family.  This consultation features a rich & eloquent reflecting team conversation.

4. Queer Theory 2

A year after their first meeting (Queer Theory In Action: Theoretical Resources for Therapeutic Conversations), Julie meets with Tighearnan to discuss the developments in his life, and particularly in his relationship with his mom. In a separate conversation, Dave Nylund meets with Zach, 17, and his mother Gina, to recount and bear witness to his journey of self-acceptance and bravery as a gay young man.

4. iYouth: Kids, Counseling & Pop Culture

Julie and Dave Nylund discuss the clinical use of cultural studies methodologies as a way to engage youth in productive, meaningful, and meaning-making conversations about the influence of popular culture in their lives.  Julie and Dave meet with a group of youth to explore their relationships with pop culture.